
I offer a number of healings and all are adapted to each individual by their guides and depend on the situation.

All group work involves attunements – healings in the background designed to extend your gifts and empower you.

Private healings include:
Restoration Healings,
Your Feminine Essence, Rebalance Healings
General Energy Healings
Mentored One-on-One Healing sessions

Restoration Healings $150

Putting down your parental programming and coming back to your unique self! These are comprehensive and permanent healings which heal and integrate all three levels: spiritual, emotional & physical.

– Emotionally removing the imprinting of your early role model’s belief systems, leaving just you in your head.
– Physically a deep healing including DNA reinstatement.
– Spiritually increases connection, intuition and grounding.

The learning & experience you chose to come here for are still valid; the lessons are learnt but the trauma is eased or removed. It is easier to stand in your own truth & just do you; quite simply much easier.

Your Feminine Essence, Rebalance Healings $150

Rebalancing your masculine & feminine sides and adjusting your vibration to new matriarchal & future energies to clear & release you and enhancing your soul’s own self-love.

This healing creates forward movement towards your souls realisation, brings forward future gifts, opportunities & strengths with calmness and access to your ancestral support network.

Healings can be done in person or remotely (distance healing).

General Energy Healings & Mentored One-on-One Healing sessions $150

Healings can be booked for an hour of less structured healing.

Choose from energy healing and general physical support.

One-on-one mentoring sessions are more focused on emotional and psychological healing using energy and spiritual exercises, cleanses, release or reprogramming supports from our guides.

All are gentle and transformative, easy and relaxed though emotional release is a natural consequence and you are held in loving space for any sacred journeying through grief, hurts and looking at self love.

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