The Energy of this month

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September Energies

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Purchase my Book anytime from Amazon

Welcome to my book Just Do You: Intuition Made Easy with Empowerment, Connection & Extension Exercise

Amazingly easy, refreshingly simple calm strength

Just Do You: Intuition Made Easy is the 2nd edition of a fuss free and clearly explained summary of what Rael teaches from her international empowerment seminars to intimate development groups. It brings together her own learning over 20 years of clairvoyant work and shares keys to accessing, extending and utilising your own gifts in usable, day to day contexts.

A simple read through of ideas, exercises and direction for self empowerment which builds confidence, self esteem and peace. It shows you how to get more access to your guides and support team, ways to reduce stress and anxiety and allows for happiness and truth to be accessible.

This illustrated edition contains the Empowerment Cards as pages within the book so you have the added tool of using the book itself as a pick-a-page support technique built in for you to use immediately. Included is a 10 page a Re-Frame Journal to support your confidence and your journey back to yourself!

Energies of the week

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