March Energies for this year

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Finding Joy In Grey Day The Color Healing Of Weather

A wee conversation about the codes of nature we may be socially trained to ignore by lowering our vibration when its not what we expected or prefer. When we respond to a grey or raining day with a dip in our emotion it shows that we have missed the gift of it by wanting it to be something else.

It is wonderful to know what colors and weather resonate with you and bring you ease. Lean into that, do more of it, appreciate it when that is in your days. When something else is present spend your energy being present too and find what nature is rebalancing you with.

The sun, moon, rain, mist, wind, temperatures and anything else nature supplies can help support growth, release and the changes in our path.

Our team seek to make this easier for us each day in so many ways and this is an example you may resonate with.

Much love


Photo by Haythem Gataa on Unsplash

Raindrop And Release Healing Exercise Releasing All we are Carrying for Others and Releasing Them From Ours

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